Wednesday, May 15, 2013

My story

I met Blake at this bar that I used to go to all the time. I knew him for a while and then one night just started talking. When we first got together he told me that he had a kid and that his kids mom would never let him see her and that they were always out of state. He also told me he paid so much child support, had her on insurance, and made himself out to be this amazing father. Well the more we got to know each other the more we were together. I worked an hour away from where I lived and Blake lived in the town that I worked in. He would go home with me every night and we would spend my days off together. He broke his ankle and was with me every day and night for 6 weeks except when I was at work. Even then he'd sit up at my work and hang out til I got off. I had friends who would see him out with a girl and they would call or text me. When I asked him about it he would tell me it was a friend or it was his cousin. I knew he was hiding something from me the whole time but I never had proof. After we had been together for a while I kept feeling bad because he wouldn't introduce me to his family. Family is very important to me and the fact that he wouldn't introduce me to his really bothered me. His reason for not was because they didn't get along and he didn't talk to them. I went with it but i brought it up quite a bit. After we had been together almost a year he ended up going to jail for child support for his daughter. Apparently he wasn't paying and she saw us at the movies and called the cops. Well I didn't have 13000 to bail him out so he stayed in there for a couple weeks. Thats when everything started getting weird. The day he got out of jail he got out at 1pm and didn't bother calling/text or coming to see me until 7. Then instead of hanging out with me for the weekend he said he had to goto Georgia for a work trip. After that we started having problems. I had car trouble and I was stuck in town for a week at a friends house and he didn't come see me at all. He got mad because I was upset that he wasn't making time for me. So I stopped bringin it up. We spent Christmas Eve and New Years together and then after that we started only seeing each other like twice a month. We'd still talk everyday though. On April 10th I was laying in bed drinking a beer and watching a Bones marathon (it was all about babies) and I went into the dining room to eat dinner. My mom had made fried chicken which is my favorite. Well I took one bite in it and I couldn't eat it. It tasted too funny to me. Thats when I knew I was pregnant. I left right then and went and bought a test. I came home and took it  and when it showed up positive I poured my beer down the sink and then took a picture and sent it to my sister. She was already three months pregnant so she freaks out. Then I sent a picture to Blake. He was like are you serious? Let me just say that the one thing that I have always wanted was a baby. I was secretly jealous of my 17 year old sister who had her baby. I also got to raise her baby (and still do) because she likes to go out and party instead of take care of her kid. Well Blake told me he wanted a baby and so we were actively trying to get pregnant. So then a couple hours late Blake posts on his facebook "shoot me." When I asked him about it he said that it was family related. After i was a few months pregnant we stopped talking as much. We'd go whole days without talking. He would get mad saying I didn't text him and I didn't feel like I needed to be the one who ALWAYS had to text first. Plus my sister ended up going to the hospital because she was in labor at 25 weeks. Then we lost our store manager so I was working long crazy hours at work.  We stopped seeing each other so much too. He always said he was busy with work but he'd sometimes come up to my work to say hi. The last time I saw him was July 12th. After that I didn't talk to him until July 31st when I found out I was having a little boy! I told him and he said yay. Then I asked if I could name him Hunter Gage because that name was stuck in my head and he said okay. That was one of the last days I talked to him. The doctor called me back the friday after my ultrasound and left me a voicemail telling me to call them back. I was freaking out thinking something was wrong with my little boy. I text Blake and he wouldn't respond. Thankfully all they wanted was better pictures but he never asked about him or anything. That is when I knew that it was over for sure. I was working full time at KFC acting as a store manager and then in late August after my nephew was doing good and almost home (he ended up being born at 28 weeks) I got a second job at McDonalds as a manager. I had to get two jobs because I've also support my mom, sister and nephew. My mom has been trying to get disability for years. (she's crazy..literally) and my sister refuses to grow up. I can't kick her out because I know my nephew wouldn't be taken care of. He is literally like my kid. I've spend more time with him in the past year than she has his whole life. And I asked my sister to help pay bills and she refused. I actually did kick her out because I asked her what we were going to do when I went on maternity leave and she said we'd be living on the street. So hormones took over and I hit here a few times and kicked her out. She left my nephew there (of course) and took off. She came back a week later though. 
       Well when I was about 8 months pregnant we found out that Blake had another daughter. a 2 year old. and we also found out that he had been with this girl for 4 years. I had facebooked his mom and told him about the baby. He said he told her but I didn't believe it. She ended up blocking me on facebook. All I was doing was letting her know she was going to have a grandson, I didn't want anything from her. Well my sister went crazy and started messaging his sister, his oldest daughters mom, and anyone else she could. She was trying to get ahold of his girlfriend Ashley but her facebook was locked and you couldn't send messages. Well I was hormonal and stressed out and pissed so I text him and asked him if he'd sign over rights and he actually responded and said yea and to tell my sister to leave his family alone! Then I found out he couldn't give his rights up without someone to take them over so I text him a couple days later and told him about that. I also told him that if he wanted to be in Hunters life he could but it was up to him. No response. Well a few weeks before I was due I ended up seeing his sister at Mcdonalds while I was working. Well I said something to her and told her when the baby was due (she told my sister to keep her updated and she wanted to know how things were) and thats all i said to the girl. Well I get this phone call from a random number and I ignore it because I'm at work. Well i get a text saying they needed me to call them and it was important so I asked who it was and they said Blakes mom. So i'm freaking out and I told her I couldn't talk because I was at work and she insisted that it was important. So I go call her and she goes off on me for talking to her daugher and insists that they want nothing to do with the baby unless Blake tells them. Then she threatens me and tells me she's going to file for harassment if I say anything else about my baby to her. So I said alright all I was doing was letting you know you had a grandchild. I'm glad you don't plan on being in his life because if your not in it now you never will be. And then I hung up.
         I was scheduled to be induced on 12/12/12. I really wanted that birthday for Hunter. I thought it would be so cool. My last day at Mcds was 12/08 and my last day at KFC was 12/09. On 12/11 my mom had a disability hearing. We had been waiting on this hearing for a couple years and i knew it was cutting it close but I was not going to let her miss it. On 12/11 I woke up bleeding. I started freaking out and called my doctor. She said it was just my body getting ready for labor (it wasn't a lot of blood) and said i didn't have to come in til i was having contractions 2 to 4 minutes apart. Well so me and mom get ready to goto her hearing (2 hours away!) and when we get there I still wasn't having contractions. My best friend called me and yelled at me and told me I needed to get to the hospital now. She was going to come pick me up (my mom isn't supposed to license) and was leaving work when my mom got out of the hearing. We headed home and I started contracting a little. Not near close enough for me to be worried. I agreed to goto the hospital because everyone was freaking me out so I finally get there and the nurse puts the contraction belt up high on my belly. I was having contractions 5 minutes apart but they were low and some were in my back. It wasn't showing up on the report and I was only dialated to 1. She calls my dr and tells me that I'm not contracting so my dr tells her to send me home. When were leaving the hospital I'm still contracting every 4 to 5 minutes. They were so hard i kept coming up out of my seat (my sister was driving.) We finally get home and all I want to do is sleep but I kept having contractions. I laid in bed for a couple hours and was going to go get in the bath but by then my contractions were 2 to 3 minutes so I told my sister it was time to go. 
          When we got to the hospital at 8pm I was dilated to a 4. They called for the anesthesiologist and started hooking me up to my ivs. One of my other best friends left work early and got there a few minutes after we did. My sister had been texting and facebooking everyone all day. When they checked me again at 845 I was at a 8. I wasn't getting any medicine. I was in so much pain but they told me it would hurt my baby. As soon as my doctor came in she scrubbed up and then ended up breaking my water after I was at a 10. Then i started pushing. The absolute worst pain i've ever felt. I was screaming so loud they heard me in the waiting room. I ended up getting oxygen because I 
kept running out of breath. After I got his head out the paid immediately stopped. I felt his little hands and legs kicking me on the way out. That was an amazing feeling. He wasn't crying at first and I was worried. Then he started. I had my arms down waiting on her to hand me my boy. The best moment of my life. Words can't describe how I felt in that moment. My sister got to cut his cord. She was so excited about that. And my mom got to see her fourth grandbaby born. 
               So I didn't tell Blake about Hunter being born. I figured if he cared he would have been asking me how he was doing. I did however send him one picture on Christmas just to be a smart ass. He didn't respond of course.
           My friend Carly works at the bank in Walmart. Well Blake was getting his haircut the other day and after he left she went in to talk to the girl. She made a comment about she didn't like him and he was her friends baby daddy. Well this girl was like no he only has a daughter. Carly told her no that he had a 5 month old son. She said I'm his fiance. Small world! So then Carly told her the whole story. Ashley (the fiance) admitted to knowing that something was going on but not knowing what it was. She is also 8 months pregnant and having a little boy later on this month. Blake admitted to Hunter being his and now she doesn't know what to do. She said she's confused and I honestly feel bad for the girl. She was even more upset because she thought she was giving him his first son. :( When Carly told me that it hurt my heart for her. She didn't deserve to be treated like that. Her and her friend got on my facebook to look at pictures and she told Carly to tell me she's not some awful horrible person for not wanting to talk to me she's just really confused. I told her to tell Ashley that it's okay. If she wants to talk I'll talk to her but if not I totally understand. Carly also told her that I'm totally happy with the situation and that I can raise Hunter by myself and I don't want anything from Blake.
                  The thing that makes me the saddest is that my baby has 3 siblings that he will never know. It breaks my heart. :( i'm so close to my family and I want that for him. I don't want Blake in his life if he's not going to be around. I don't need my kid hurt all the time. and I don't want his crazy momma anywhere near my kid!
              Now i look at this beautiful blonde hair blue eye little boy sleeping right next to me and I know it's all Blakes loss and my gain since I don't have to share him with anyone but my own family and friends :) 

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